Sverrir les og skoðar mikið af efni um markaðsmál, vefmál og fleira. Hér er leslisti.
Marketing Warfare e. Ries and Trout
The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing e. Al Ries & Jack Trout
The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding e. Al Ries & Laura Ries
Ogilvy on Advertising e. David Ogilvy
101 Ways To Promote Your Tourism Website
Marketing Places e. Kotler, Heider & Rein
Networking With The Affluent…
Marketing To The Affluent…
Selling To The Affluent e. Dr. Thomas J. Stanley
The Art of Selling to the Affluent e. Matt Oechsli
Marketing to Women e. Marti Barletta
Just Ask a Woman e. Mary Lou Quinlan
Let Them Eat Cake – Marketing Luxury e. Pamela Danziger
Selling to Women and Couples e. Sharon Roberts
Markets of One e. James Gilmore and B. Joseph Pine
Selling the Dream e. Guy Kawasaki
Street Smart Network Marketing e. Robert Butwin
Searching for the Spirit of Enterprise e. Larry C. Farrell
The Irrisistible Offer e. Mark Joyner
The Beermat Entrepreneur e. Mike Southon and Chris West
From Acorns… e. Caspian Woods
The Definitive Business Plan e. Richard Stutely
Thinking like an Entrepreneur e. Peter I. Kupalo
Start Your Own Successful Retail Business e. Jan Kingsgaard
Introduction to Fashion Merchandising, e. Roth, Peterson, Greensley og Gill
The Business of Fashion e. Burns og Briant
Million Dollar Consulting e. Alan Weiss
Flawless Consulting e. Peter Block
How Dell Does It e. Holzner
Direct From Dell e. Michael Dell & Catherine Fredman
Franchising: Pathway to Wealth Creation e. Spinelly, Birley og Rosenberg
Já! Listin að semja e. Fisher & Uri
Japan: Customs and Etiquette
Time Warrior e. Philip R. Thomas
The Millionaire Next Door e. Stanley & Danko
How To Make it in Advertising Mark Leigh and Mike Lepine
Richard Branson autobiography
Retail and Shopping Architecture e. Ian Luna
Shop Design, útg. Daab.
Restaurant Design, útg. Daab.
Club Design, útg. Daab.
Audio & Hi-Fi Handbook e. Ian R. Sinclair
The Complete Guide to High End Audio e. Robert Harley
The Future of Music e. David Kusek & Gerd Leonhard
Wireless Home Networking for Dummies e. Briere, Hurely & Ferris
Sound Design e. David Attwood
Product Design and Development e. Ulrich & Eppinger
Product Desing e. Otto & Wood
Mary Gilliatt’s Dictionary of Architecture and Interior Design
Encyclopaedia of 20th Century Architecture e. V.M. Lampugnani
Buzz Your Book – How do you create word on the street e. M.J. Rose & Douglas Clegg
Best Bang for you Book – Where to Spend Your Marketing Bucks by Juilia L. Wilkinson
Putting It On Paper – Ground Rules for Creating Promotional Pieces that Sell Books e. Dawn Josephson
Writer’s Market Online útg. Writersmarket.org
How to Write and Sell Historical Fiction e. Persia Woolley
Publicize Your Book! e. Jacqueline Deval
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